Is it possible to have more than 2 panels in addition to the original CONFIGURATOR RELOADED panel. I have groups of actions by different vendors and I would like to create a separate panel for each of those vendors, then I create a workspace for each of the vendors products broken down into containers with the actions grouped appropriately. Example: a panel for Gavin Seim with workspaces for Nitty Gritty, Alchemist, Lumist & Festival products. Another panel for action packages/products from Blake Rudis, etc. It would be very consistent with how I have created my Photoshop Workspaces by these same vendors that includes buttons for their respective extensions. It’s a very effective and logical way to group and access all my tools in Photoshop. If it is limited to the 2 additional panels, is it likely that you could change the application to be able to generate more panels. Thank you